Quick and Easy Recipe-Chili Rellenos Bake

Quick and Easy Recipe

If you will remember, precious reader, last August I developed symptoms of a racing heart (tachycardia) and was put on a “beta-blocker“.  I found out the hard way, that these medicines can make some people gain weight by virtually shutting down the metabolic rate in our bodies.  Some it doesn’t do this to, but guess which category I fell into??  Ugghh!! 

Today as I got my hair colored (don’t tell anybody that part!  Lol.) and cut I looked at my face I could see the weight gain and I just cannot stand it anymore!  I have decided to go back to my old way of eating which made me feel so much better!  I may not drop a pound, but at least  I know what I am doing is what is right for me! 

Some years ago, I lost over 50 pounds on a high protein, GOOD carbohydrate way of eating!  It isn’t no carb!  You can have fruit, but you have to stay away from processed sugars and all starches.  I am NOT RECOMMENDING you do this!!!!!  It works for me and if this is something you do, I have some yummy recipes to share!   Remember, NEVER do anything without consulting your physician!  Now let the cooking commence!!  🙂

Chili Rellenos Bake



2 4-ounce cans chopped green chiles
8 ounces sharp cheddar cheese, shredded

4 eggs
1/2 cup heavy cream
1/2 teaspoon dry mustard
1/2 teaspoon


In a greased 1 1/2 to 2 quart casserole, layer half of the cheese and half of the chiles; repeat the layers. Whisk the eggs, cream, dry mustard and salt well; pour over the chiles. Bake at 350º 45-50 minutes, until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean and the top is slightly puffed. Let stand 10 minutes before serving.

Makes 4-6 servings- Can be frozen!

Source:  http://www.genaw.com/lowcarb/chile_rellenos_bake.html


prayer request

With all my heart I love and appreciate you, precious reader!  I was not going to say anything to my precious readers about this, but this situation is escalating and I need prayer power! If you remember when my mother became so ill to the point of death, I did not do well with it.  It was so hard on me, I was actually diagnosed with a heart attack the Lord literally healed me of in an elevator on the way the ER from my doctor’s office.  At that time I was told it was tachycardia, was put on a beta blocker and was given a medication for my nerves for that day.

I had a stress test about 2 weeks later that showed my heart to be in excellent condition!  The only problem was the rhythm.  I went to my cardiologist last week for a follow-up visit. I had noticed weight gain, bloating, and a lack of energy, and had severe itching.  These are all signs of adverse side effects of the beta blocker my doctor had me on.  He switched my medication and I am now experiencing a fast heart rate (150) and have high blood pressure at night (140/87-90). I have NEVER in my life had high blood pressure, ever!!  I do have anxiety when this starts which doesn’t help the situation!

My doctor feels this medicine is necessary and I should not come off of it or be switched to another heart medication.  I have gone, in less than a week, from 2 medications to 4 that I did not have to have before!  I did not want to be on any.  All 4 of these are to control the heart rhythm in some way and they are not working. 

I can no longer be active and even blogging has been taken a slower pace.  I am asking you, dear readers, to pray for me!  I was healed of tachycardia in 2006 following a surgery and NEVER  had it again until this past August.  Nahum 1:9 says sickness will not come upon us a second time and I am standing on that, but I do covet and greatly respect your prayers!!!

Thank you so much for praying, and if your church has a prayer chain I would love to be put on that, as well!  Please, pray for wisdom for my doctor and for my body to come in line with the word of God which says by His stripes I AM HEALED!!!

If you see fewer post, you now know why.  I am so very sorry!  Blogging for Jesus is my passion!!

Thank you, again and God bless you!!  Juliana