A Sweet Gracie Story…:)

gracie after election day

                                 Gracie in her spot while I blog…she sleeps on an Aggie blanket because we are an Aggie family!   WHOOP!!  JOHNNY FOOTBALL!!


Gracie is my chihuahua.  She has a very, very sweet heart!  I had been away for a meeting one night this past week and while I was gone, Sunshine’s chihuahua had made a crying noise she nor my husband had ever heard.  She said it was just so sad!  I asked her what it sounded like and she was able to imitate it. 

If you don’t know about Chihuahuas, they are the quintessential lap-dog!  They are a baby  in a dog’s body.   They cry and sound just like a human child!  They want attention, love, and to be in your lap just like a human child!  They get the bad rap of being “ankle biters” or “the world evolves around me and me alone!” personas, etc..  I suppose some Chihuahuas in history have been like that, but ours are cuddlebugs, lovebugs, and angels!

As Sunshine made the crying noise, I decided to see if I could make it, too.  Obviously, I can imitate a chihuahua  very well.  Gracie, who was beside me, looked at me.  I continued to make the noise because her face began to take on expressions I had not seen her have.  First, she turned her head quizzically to stare at me.  Then, she began to get a sad look in her eyes.  Suddenly, as though she could not take my so-called distress any longer, she jumped on my arm and began to kiss me profusely on my cheek.  Of course, when she did everyone in the room emitted awwwws!

I have never seen such intense love and affection from any animal as what she has for me!  I am amazed by her sensitivity and her literal kindness and compassion!  I know she is just a dog, but animals have such a capacity to love, I truly cannot imagine anyone not wanting one!  They are loyal, protective, affectionate, loving,  and can truly sense what you need.  They know when you are in emotional distress and/or physical distress, and if you are fortunate enough to find that  special one you truly bond with, they will not leave you until the crisis is over;  Even then, it is reluctantly!

I will never make that sound again.  Her reaction was endearing, but at the same time heart wrenching!  We all felt so sorry for her!!  She is my special angel.   It is as though she was made just for me!  As I blog, she has her place by my side where she sleeps until I am finished.  She knows when the last letter is typed and all is in place, she will be cradled in my arms and her face will be showered with kisses!

I almost didn’t get Gracie, because of the reputation of Chihuahuas.  Would I have lost out had I not listened to my heart!  I thank God for her!  He truly made Gracie just for me, and yes, I believe that with all of my heart!

Good night, dear reader!  It is “Gracie time”. 

My Poor Mailman Will Never Be the Same!


scared mailman                                                              This is almost the look I got from the mailman today!  Pretty close!!


Today for most of the afternoon I watched for my mailman.   My book was supposed to be delivered today and,  since I have not held it in my hands yet, I was excited about seeing it!  Hubby had to go into the office and the only place I intended to go was through the Smoothie King Drive-Thru so I just threw one of my moomoos on and gaudy jewelry so they would think it was a dress. 

I watched for him, making regular trips to my window.  My mailman is a different sort of fellow.  He seems to love his job!  He wears an MP3 player with headphones.  He is more like a paperboy from the 1950s rather than a 21st century mailman.  If he isn’t listening to music he is talking on the phone.   He often delivers the wrong mail to the wrong address, but he is a really nice guy.

Today, finally he drove up across the street.  Great!  That meant another thirty minute wait!!  Should I get in the car and go ask him if he had it?  I decided against it.  At last he got to our street!  He always starts with the opposite side of my house.  I thought I would open my glass door and ask him if he had a white package for me, but I knew Gracie would run out and try to eat him alive.  No, that wouldn’t do!  I would just have to wait. 

He makes it to my next door neighbor‘s house and then passes my window.   There is nothing in his hands!  What is happening??  This cannot be right!  I tell Gracie to stay back and I go running out screaming, “EXCUSE MEEEEE!!!!”  He doesn’t hear me!  Imagine that IF you can!!  Oh, could this get worse??  He is fast on his feet!!  I have to really start sprinting now!  I pull my moomoo up just above my ankles and start running faster screaming louder, “EXCUSE MEEEEEEE!!!!!!”  He suddenly turns.   I am holding the moomoo up with one hand and waving with the other.  The look on his face was priceless!  His eyes got big, his mouth fell open and in slow motion he reaches up and pulls one of his earplugs out. 

Me  I am so sorry to bother you!  Do you have a book for me?

Him  No, no book.

He frowns as he gets a full look at me!  He rushes to put his earplug in and to get to the mail truck!

Me  I am so sorry, please wait!

He speeds up!!   I could not believe my eyes!  How rude!!

Me  WAIT!!  I say in my teacher voice!  He turns back to face me…Do you have a white envelope at all?

Him  No.  Haven’t all day…maybe at the Post Office.

Me  Thank youuuuuuu!!!!

He does an Olympic fast dash, gets in his truck and I think he locked it!  I begin to wonder what is wrong with him.  Normally, he is so personable.   I then feel something.  I feel something hitting my ankles and a pull against me!  It is the moomoo blowing in the wind!  I go inside, head to my bedroom and look in my full length mirror.  Oh, yes it was a bad as I imagined!  I wore the moomoo that is swirled in a black, white, and a sapphire blue pattern.  Beautiful colors, but it looks like I have draped a colorful parachute over my head.  I had only finger combed my hair, and my jewelry was huge and BRIGHT! 

If you stop and think about it from his perspective, he may have thought the “Phantom of the Opera” was chasing him down, except my voice sounds like Edith Bunker‘s!!  We may be ordered by the U.S. Postal Service to pick our mail up in person from now on!  Oh, and by the way, he did deliver a book today…TO MY MOTHER!!!!  Well, at least I finally got to see it!  Blessings, precious reader!!  I will see you soon!


My First Portrait!

my portrait

My husband tells me I could get in trouble in an empty room!  I will let you in on a little secret though…the older you get, the more people become more “understanding” of you!

Yesterday, Sunshine was off and we had to take the puppies in for their heartworm shots.  When the kids were little and had to have their immunizations, it hurt me more than it hurt them!  I would always take them to the toy store of their choice and let them choose a toy for having to go through their “trauma”.  I would then let them pick any place they wanted to eat lunch and they could have any thing they chose!   Well, this seems to have rubbed off on my daughter with her chihuahua, Daisy.  After the shot and vet visit, she announced it would be time for toys and doggie cookies!  Where does she get these things??

Before the cheery part, this is what I heard all the way there…

“Oh, sweet baby…Mommy loves  you…I am soooooo sorry…Oh, Momma she cried last time so I know it is going to hurt!” This is the one who is going to be a nurse! Finally I said, “If you will be calm, she will be calm.  Act like there is nothing to it and she will be fine!”  I was upset on the inside, too because I knew she was right and Gracie (mine) had to get the shot, too!

I decided to maximize the idea of a treat afterwards!  It seemed to take SUNSHINE’S edge off!  After it was all said and done, they didn’t even whimper, but off we went to the pet store anyway for cookies and anything else “soothing” we could find.   Here are some pictures of the “trouble” we got into!  I hope you enjoy them as much as we did!

daisy and sunshine

                                                                                              Great!  She found the “Easter” stuff!


                                                                                      gracie where is the nearest exit

                                                                                                  Gracie wants to know, “Where is the nearest exit?”

                                                                                                gracie can i take this off now                                                                                                   Can I take this off now?

                                                                                              daisy i can't believe my life has come to this                                                                                                  I can’t believe my life has come to this!

                                                                                                     when they finally open the door run for all you are worth                                                                                                   When they finally open the door, run for all you are worth!  If that doesn’t work, we can tell the world Mommy wears a MOOMOO!!!  BAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

 Hubby was right!  🙂  See you next time, precious reader!!